PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2007-06-10 INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII NOTE = "Readme file for HiRISE EDR and RDR Archive Volumes" END_OBJECT = TEXT END HIGH RESOLUTION IMAGING SCIENCE EXPERIMENT EDR AND RDR ARCHIVE VOLUME AAREADME CONTENTS ================= 1. Introduction 2. Volume Format 3. File Formats 4. Volume Contents 5. Errata and Disclaimer 6. Contact Information 1. Introduction =============== The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment archive is comprised of a single volume for EDR and RDR products. Experimental Data Record (EDR) Products are the permanent record of the raw images obtained by HiRISE. The EDRs have the properties of unprocessed and unrectified imaging maintaining the original spacecraft viewing orientation and optical distortion properties. As part of the EDR generation process, FELICS-compressed (FELICS stands for Fast and Efficient Lossless image compression System) images are decompressed and organized as raster images. EDRs are organized at the channel level with two EDRs needed for each operating CCD (Charge Couple Device). Up to 28 EDR products are needed to capture a single HiRISE observation. Maintaining an archive of EDR products enables reprocessing of the raw science observations as calibration and geometry processing routines improve. Investigators interested in applying advanced calibration methods or needing to understand the properties of the raw imaging will find the EDRs a useful product. However, most science investigators will be interested in using the RDR products as geometry and radiometric processing has been applied to these products. RDR products are radiometrically-corrected images resampled to a standard map projection. They are formatted and organized according to the standards of the PDS. A RDR image is stored in the JPEG2000 (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format recently adopted by the PDS. The JPEG2000 images are accompanied by a PDS detached label providing supporting information about the observation. There will typically be two RDR standard products per HiRISE observation a single-color RDR product built from the operating red-filter CCDs, and a three-color RDR product if the blue-green and near-infrared CCDs were additionally operating. The three-color RDR products will be released a time later then the release of the red-filter RDR products. Several Software Inteface Specification (SIS) documents describe the HiRISE Data products and the contents of the volume. For more information Refer to the following documents: Software Interface Specification for HiRISE Reduced Data Record Products, JPL D-32006, May 15, 2007 Software Interface Specification for HiRISE Experimental Data Record Products, JPL D-32004, March 17, 2006 HiRISE EDR & RDR Archive Volumes Software Interface Specification, JPL D-32005, June 1, 2006 2. Volume Format ================ During active MRO mission operations the HiRISE Data Node will maintain an on-line archive of HiRISE standard products in a volume organization described as described in the HiRISE EDR and RDR volume SIS. The archive will be housed on a disk storage array using RAID technology. At the end of the project, the Data Node server hardware and disk storage arrays will be delivered to the PDS Imaging Node for inclusion in their on-line services 3. File Format ============== Document File Format: Documents with the .TXT suffix exist in the Root, Index, Catalog, and Label subdirectories. They are ASCII files with embedded PDS labels. All document files will contain a stream record data type as recommended by the PDS. All lines are terminated with a carriage-return (ASCII 13)/linefeed (ASCII 10) sequence and will not exceed a total of 80 ASCII characters in length (including the carriage-return/linefeed sequence. Tabular File Format: Tabular files (.TAB suffix) exist in the Index directory. Tabular files are ASCII character text files formatted for direct reading into many database management systems and spreadsheet applications. Commas separate all fields. Non-numeric text fields are enclosed in double quotation marks (", ASCII 34). Fields are padded with spaces (inside the quotation marks for text fields) to ensure that all fields of a column are the same length. Text fields are left justified and numeric fields are right justified. The START_BYTE and BYTES values listed in the PDS labels describing the tabular files do not include the commas between fields or the quotation marks surrounding text fields. The records are of fixed length and the last two bytes of each record contain the carriage-return/linefeed sequence. This allows a table to be treated as a fixed-length record file and as a text file with embedded line delimiters. See Appendix A for a description of the columns that make up the index files. Detached PDS labels describe all tabular files in the HiRISE EDR archive volumes. The PDS detached labels have the same name as the tabular file but with the extension .LBL. For example, the INDEX.LAB file, located in the same directory, accompanies the INDEX.TAB file. Catalog and Include File Format: Catalog (suffix .CAT) and label include files (suffix .FMT) exist in the root and CATALOG, and LABEL directories. They are formatted using ODL "keyword=value" statements. The files are in a stream record (variable line size) format. For catalog and include Files, the line length is limited to 72 characters the carriage-return and linefeed characters for a total length of 74 ASCII characters per line. EDR Product File Format: The HiRISE EDR products have attached PDS labels. The primary object within an EDR file is the IMAGE object containing the observation image data acquired by a CCD channel. A complete description of the file format and organization can be found in the HiRISE EDR SIS [JPL D-32004, 2005]. RDR Product File Format: The HiRISE RDR products have detached PDS labels. The primary object within the RDR file is the IMAGE object containing the observation image that has been radiometrically corrected and geometrically resampled to a standard map projection. The image is organized according to the JPEG2000 JP2 file format standard. PDS Label Formats: PDS labels are object-oriented. The object to which the label refers (e.g., IMAGE, TABLE, etc.) is denoted by a statement of the form: ^object = location in which the carat character ('^', also called a pointer in this context) indicates that the object starts at the given location. For an object in the same file as the label, the location is an integer representing the starting record number of the object (the first record in the file is record 1). For an object located outside the label file, the location denotes the name of the file containing the object, along with the starting record or byte number. For example: ^IMAGE = ("N1294562651_1.IMG",3) indicates that the IMAGE object begins at record 3 of the file N1294562651_1.IMG, in the same directory as the detached label file. Below is a list of the possible formats that use the ^object keyword. ^object = n ^object = n ^object = "filename.ext" ^object = ("filename.ext",n) ^object = ("filename.ext",n ) where: n starting record or byte number of the object, counting from beginning of the file (record 1, byte 1); default is record number. indicates that number given is in units of bytes. filename upper-case file name. ext upper-case file extension. 4. Volume Contents ================== This section describes the contents of the HiRISE volumes, including file names, file contents, file types, and directory organization. A volume will contain both EDR and RDR products. The required directories are INDEX, LABEL, CATALOG, EDR, RDR, and EXTRAS. FILE CONTENTS Top-level directory | - AAREADME.TXT The file you are reading. This | file describes the volume | organization and contents. | | - ERRATA.TXT Description of known anomalies | and errors present on this | volume. | | - VOLDESC.CAT Description of the contents of | this volume in a PDS format | readable by both humans and | computers. | | - [CATALOG] Directory containing information | | about the HiRISE dataset. | | | | - CATINFO.TXT Description of the contents of | | this directory. | | | | - EDR_DS.CAT PDS data set catalog description | | of the EDR Products. | | | | - RDR_DS.CAT PDS data set catalog description | | of the RDR Products. | | | | - MRO_HOST.CAT PDS instrument host (spacecraft) | | catalog description of the MRO | | Spacecraft. | | | | - HIRISE_INST.CAT PDS instrument catalog | | description of the HiRISE | | instrument. | | | | - MISSION.CAT PDS mission catalog description | | of the MRO mission. | | | | - PERSON.CAT PDS personnel catalog description | | of HiRISE Team members and other | | persons involved with generation | | of HiRISE data products. | | | | - REF.CAT HiRISE-related references | | mentioned in other *.CAT files. | | - [DOCUMENT] Directory containing additional | | documents related to the HiRISE | | dataset. | | | | - JP2INFO.TXT Description of the JPEG2000 | | standard. | | | - [INDEX] Directory containing index files | | related to this volume. | | | | - INDXINFO.TXT Description of the contents of | | this directory. | | | | - EDRCUMINDEX.TAB Table listing of HiRISE EDR | | products published to date. | | | | - EDRCUMINDEX.LBL PDS detached lable that describes | | EDRCUMINDEX.TAB. | | | | - EDRINDEX.TAB Table listing of HiRISE EDR | | products on this volume most | | recently released. The table is | | identically formatted to the | | EDRCUMINDEX.TAB file. | | | | - EDRINDEX.LBL PDS detached lable that describes | | EDRINDEX.TAB. | | | | - RDRCUMINDEX.TAB Table listing of HiRISE RDR | | products published to date. | | | | - RDRCUMINDEX.LBL PDS detached lable that describes | | RDRCUMINDEX.TAB. | | | | - RDRINDEX.TAB Table listing of HiRISE RDR | | products on this volume most | | recently released. The table is | | identically formatted to the | | RDRCUMINDEX.TAB file. | | | | - RDRINDEX.LBL PDS detached lable that describes | | RDRINDEX.TAB. | | - [LABEL] Directory containing additional | | PDS-label include files related | | to this volume. | | | | - LABINFO.TXT Description of the contents of | | this directory. | | | | - SCIENCE_CHANNEL_TABLE.FMT Include file describing the | | Science Channel Table object in | | the EDR product. | | | | - CPMM_ENGINEERING_TABLE.FMT Include file describing the | | CPMM Engineering Table object in | | the EDR product. | | | | - LOOKUP_TABLE.FMT Include file describing the | | Lookup Table used in the | | translation from 14-bit to 8-bit | | pixels. 5. Errata and Disclaimer ======================== A cumulative list of anomalies and errors is maintained in the file ERRATA.TXT at the root directory of this volume. Although considerable care has gone into making this volume, errors are both possible and likely. Users of the data are advised to exercise the same caution as they would when dealing with any other unknown data set. 6. Contact Information ======================= For questions concerning the HiRISE images on this volume, contact: PDS Imaging Node HiRISE Data Node Rod Heyd Charles P. Sonett Space Sciences 1541 E. University Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85721-0063 WWW Site: http://hirise.lpl.arizona.edu E-mail: HiRISE-Contact@hirise.lpl.arizona.edu For questions related to HiRISE and related data analysis contact: Dr. Alfred McEwen University of Arizona Charles P. Sonett Space Sciences 1541 E. University Blvd Tucson, AZ 85721-0063 WWW Site: http://hirise.lpl.arizona.edu/ E-mail: HiRISE-Contact@hirise.lpl.arizona.edu